
Disaster Risk Reduction

Maximize prevention and minimize risk from climate change and natural disasters

Our comprehensive climate change and disaster risk management solution will assist you in your efforts to maximize prevention and minimize risk from many types of future disasters such as fires, droughts, floods, earthquakes. In the mitigation of effects from these it is never too early to be aware of approaching hazards.
By leveraging multiple sources of data we have developed a Disaster Risk Early Warning Infomation System (DREWIS)

Evidence of Climate Change

Key benefits of using our solution

Day-to-day spatial and temporal monitoring and assessment of the most frequent hazards, such as potential flood or dry spell
Visualization of complex multi-hazard indicators
Awareness of vulnerable areas
An “early” Early Warning capability
Visualization of possible disaster scenarios
Vertical and horizontal institutional communication
Reports generation


Comprehensive Disaster Risk Early Warning Information System (DREWIS) features include:
Historical disaster information
  • Linking international and national historical disaster information to be aware of the most frequent ones
Meteorological data
  • Monitoring national and international meteorological data, such as temperature, precipitation, and wind
  • Spatial and temporal meteorological data visualization
Hydrological data
  • Monitoring national and international streamflow/water level data
  • Monitoring groundwater data from boreholes and aquifers
  • Spatial and temporal hydrological data visualization
  • Spatial and temporal analysis of the most frequent hazards’ indicators implementing complex on-the-fly mathematical and statistical algorithms
  • Utilizing powerful GIS capabilities for analysis and visualization of the various elements (housing, agriculture, critical infrastructure, etc.) exposed to potential hazards.
  • Implementing internationally recognized science-based vulnerability indicators
  • Taking into consideration various “faces” of vulnerability (infrastructural, environmental, economic, and social)
  • Bringing hazard, exposure, and vulnerability together to calculate potential risk
  • Visualizing risk implementing powerful GIS capabilities
  • Comprehensive and detailed reports generation an all aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction

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