
for the management of new generation smart grids

version International

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for the management of new generation smart grids

version International

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for the management of new generation smart grids

version International

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Ensemble business suite

Advanced Intelligent Power and Communication Network Management System

GDi Ensemble OperOSS is an advanced suite of software applications for the management of new generation smart grids. It provides a comprehensive, technology-neutral solution that integrates all power distribution systems under a single control and management interface.

The application suite provides high system data accuracy, that allows for a full representation of the real state of an energy network at any time.

Furthermore, by enabling a large degree of digitization and network management automation, using Ensemble OperOSS results in the redirection of human work from basic operational processes and tasks to advanced processes such as further planning and development of the smart grid network.

Management and control of energy assets in the smart grid

Ensemble OperOSS Operational Support System for the the smart management and control of energy assets using advanced Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure.
Represents a major advancement by enabling the transition from today's passive distribution systems to future flexible low-carbon, smart systems.
Provides numerous services to users and system operators with emphasis on the Distribution Network Operator, as being at the core of energy transition and the development of advanced energy networks.
The project is funded by grants from the European Regional Development Fund.
The total value of the project and the amount co-financed by the EU (in HRK)

Total project value: 9,345,494.59 kn

Total amount of funding from EU: 5.956.173,91 kn
EU fund support for GDi: 4.060.586,93 kn
EU fund support for FER: 1.895.586,98 kn
Project implementation period (from – to)

The total implementation period of the project is: 16.03.2018 – 15.03.2021.

Ensemble OperOSS | Innovation at a glance

Who is it for? | Ensemble OperOSS modules

OperOSS participants

Ensemble OperOSS
Innovation at a glance

Who is it for?

Electricity Generator

Transmission System Operator

Distribution Network Operator

Electricity Supplier

Meter Operator



Ensemble OperOSS modules

OperOSS modules

Helping electric utilities to transform

Ensemble OperOSS can help electric utilities make the required changes in key areas such as:
Improvement of infrastructure.
Addition of the Smart Grid digital layer.
– Tools such as Ensemble OperOSS will become the essence of the smart grid.
Business process transformation.
– Increased focus on a customer engagement strategy to retain and attract customers who decide to produce their own energy through microgrids.
– The generation of renewable energy will now often be connected at the distribution level. This brings new opportunities for DNO’s to expand their market by selling energy directly to the consumer.

What is a Smart Grid?

EU Commission Task Force Smart Grid definition:
A Smart Grid is an electricity network that can cost efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users connected to it – generators, consumers and those that do both – to ensure an economically efficient, sustainable power system with low losses and high levels of quality and security of supply and safety.
It employs innovative products and services together with intelligent monitoring, control, communication, and self-healing technologies to:
  • Better facilitate the connection and operation of generators of all sizes and technologies.
  • Allow consumers to play a part in optimising the operation of the system.
  • Provide consumers with greater information and options for how they use their supply.
  • Significantly reduce the environmental impact of the whole electricity supply system.
  • Maintain or even improve the existing high levels of system reliability, quality and security of supply.
  • Maintain and improve the existing services efficiently.

Select user role to view benefits

Optimize and predict electricity production.

By precise forecasting and better control of the production process, generators can place more profitable offers on the electricity sub-markets thus gaining additional profit.

Insights into electricity generation data.

Precise data will be available on the production of electricity and generators will gain valuable insights during operational tasks.

Optimize the planning, construction and upgrade of the network.

Determine reasons for a shortfall or surplus of electricity in the system and therefore more precisely and efficiently balance the electricity network for production and consumption.

Identify the location of energy losses through the adoption of new sensor technology.

Optimize the construction and upgrading of the network.

Monitor sales and purchase transactions within the new distribution network.

Identify the location of energy losses through the adoption of new sensor technology.

More accurately anticipate consumers’ daily consumption through improved forecasting.

Reduce deviation between forecasted and real energy consumption.

Reduce costs of buying energy on the electricity wholesale market.

Software to support installation and maintenance of smart meters.

Tools for retrieving, processing, and storing data from smart meters.

Support to reduce the consumption of energy by its customers.

Software to support proactive business behaviour.

Software to help reduce the energy consumption of customers.

Support coordination of electricity generation by clients.

Software to support installation, sale, and compensation payments of new renewable energy sources for small generators.

Get detailed insights into data on electricity consumption.

Optimize consumption through automatic electricity price notifications.

Helping electric utilities to transform

Ensemble OperOSS can help electric utilities make the required changes in key areas such as:
Improvement of infrastructure.
Addition of the Smart Grid digital layer.
– Tools such as Ensemble OperOSS will become the essence of the smart grid.
Business process transformation.
– Increased focus on a customer engagement strategy to retain and attract customers who decide to produce their own energy through microgrids.
– The generation of renewable energy will now often be connected at the distribution level. This brings new opportunities for DNO’s to expand their market by selling energy directly to the consumer.

What is a Smart Grid?

EU Commission Task Force Smart Grid definition:
A Smart Grid is an electricity network that can cost efficiently integrate the behaviour and actions of all users connected to it – generators, consumers and those that do both – to ensure an economically efficient, sustainable power system with low losses and high levels of quality and security of supply and safety.
It employs innovative products and services together with intelligent monitoring, control, communication, and self-healing technologies to:
  • Better facilitate the connection and operation of generators of all sizes and technologies.
  • Allow consumers to play a part in optimising the operation of the system.
  • Provide consumers with greater information and options for how they use their supply.
  • Significantly reduce the environmental impact of the whole electricity supply system.
  • Maintain or even improve the existing high levels of system reliability, quality and security of supply.
  • Maintain and improve the existing services efficiently.

Select user role to view benefits

Optimize and predict electricity production.

By precise forecasting and better control of the production process, generators can place more profitable offers on the electricity sub-markets thus gaining additional profit.

Insights into electricity generation data.

Precise data will be available on the production of electricity and generators will gain valuable insights during operational tasks.

Optimize the planning, construction and upgrade of the network.

Determine reasons for a shortfall or surplus of electricity in the system and therefore more precisely and efficiently balance the electricity network for production and consumption.

Identify the location of energy losses through the adoption of new sensor technology.

Optimize the construction and upgrading of the network.

Monitor sales and purchase transactions within the new distribution network.

Identify the location of energy losses through the adoption of new sensor technology.

More accurately anticipate consumers’ daily consumption through improved forecasting.

Reduce deviation between forecasted and real energy consumption.

Reduce costs of buying energy on the electricity wholesale market.

Software to support installation and maintenance of smart meters.

Tools for retrieving, processing, and storing data from smart meters.

Support to reduce the consumption of energy by its customers.

Software to support proactive business behaviour.

Software to help reduce the energy consumption of customers.

Support coordination of electricity generation by clients.

Software to support installation, sale, and compensation payments of new renewable energy sources for small generators.

Get detailed insights into data on electricity consumption.

Optimize consumption through automatic electricity price notifications.

Laboratory environment sub-systems

During the research phase, Ensemble OperOSS consists of a series of interconnected subsystems

LARES Laboratory

Physical laboratory implementation of the power production system.

Data Storage

SQL Server (opeross-server) and SQL database (UEDManagementDB).

Edge Module

Intermediate component responsible for communication between the power production facility and IoT Hub.

IoT Hub (OperOSSIoTHub)

Access point for IoT data.

Stream Analytics Job (Plotting)

Data Processing Component.

Power BI (LaresLaboratory)

Component for displaying real-time data.

Web Module

Data view and laboratory control component.

During the research phase, Ensemble OperOSS consists of a series of interconnected subsystems

LARES Laboratory

Physical laboratory implementation of the power production system.

Data Storage

SQL Server (opeross-server) and SQL database (UEDManagementDB).

Edge Module

Intermediate component responsible for communication between the power production facility and IoT Hub.

IoT Hub (OperOSSIoTHub)

Access point for IoT data.

Stream Analytics Job (Plotting)

Data Processing Component.

Power BI (LaresLaboratory)

Component for displaying real-time data.

Web Module

Data view and laboratory control component.


OperOSS components


Renewable energy sources in the Smart Grid

Improved flexibility of the smart grid permits greater use of highly variable renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, even without the addition of energy storage.
solar energy generation

Designed for the changing energy system

Changes in the energy system are being made possible by the increased use of digital tools such as Ensemble OperOSS.




large power plants

Few large power plants

many power producers

Many small power producers


centralized mostly national

Centralized mostly national

decentralized ignoring boundaries

Decentralized, ignoring boundaries


based on large power lines and pipelines

Based on large power lines and pipelines

small-scale and regional transmission

Includes small-scale transmission and regional supply compensation



Unidirectional – top to bottom




passive only paying

Passive – only paying


Active – participating in the system


large power plants

PRODUCTION – Few large power plants

centralized mostly national

MARKET – Centralized mostly national

based on large power lines and pipelines

TRANSMISSION – Based on large power lines and pipelines


DISTRIBUTION – Unidirectional – top to bottom

passive only paying

CONSUMER – Passive – only paying


many power producers

PRODUCTION – Many small power producers

decentralized ignoring boundaries

MARKET – Decentralized, ignoring boundaries

small-scale and regional transmission

TRANSMISSION – Includes small-scale transmission and regional supply compensation


DISTRIBUTION – Bidirectional


CONSUMER – Active – participating in the system

Deployment Options

Contact the team
We have created a highly efficient system for the management and optimization of new generation smart grid networks. Ensemble OperOSS provides a comprehensive, technology-agnostic solution that integrates all power distribution systems under a single control and management interface, enabling transition to essential smart systems. I would be delighted to hear from you.
Matija Džanko
Ensemble OperOSS Product Manager, GDi Group