With a focus on presenting our GDi Ensemble solutions for Asset Management and Telecom OSS, our GDi team took part in the annual GIS conference gisworx held in Dubai. The event provided an ideal opportunity to network with potential users and other technology experts in the region.

2019-05-02T10:48:08+02:00December 12th, 2017|GDi products, News, Technologies|

GDi Solution Days – Sarajevo

Približava se vrijeme za “Solution Days 2017”, jednog u nizu događaja koji se održavaju u našim regionalnim europskim glavnim gradovima na kojima se demonstriraju GDi rješenja i tehnološke platforme. Predstavit ćemo, demonstrirati, inspirisati i zajednički istražiti najnovije poslovne i tehnološke trendove.

2019-05-03T19:32:20+02:00September 11th, 2017|Events, GDi products, Industries, Technologies|

Dalmatian area of Croatia hit by catastrophic wildfires

Wildfires have affected several countries in Europe and other parts of the world in recent months. The Dalmatian area of Croatia has been no exception and has very recently been particularly affected. High temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds have been contributing factors in the rapid spread of these fires.

2019-05-02T11:14:28+02:00August 22nd, 2017|Esri, News, Technologies|
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