telecom & media
Solution for RATEL supports latest IT market, broadband access development, and digital transformation in Serbia
telecom & media
Solution for RATEL supports latest IT market, broadband access development, and digital transformation in Serbia
telecom & media
Solution for RATEL supports latest IT market, broadband access development, and digital transformation in Serbia
Success story
Success story
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A system was needed that would enable entry, update, review, and processing of all data about type, availability and geographical location of the electronic communications network capacity.
"The system now makes data about electronic communication infrastructure transparent to all stakeholders within the telco market in Serbia and to potential investors in the telco sector."
Aleksandar Ćilerdžić
Product/Solutions Manager, GDi
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A system was needed that would enable entry, update, review, and processing of all data about type, availability and geographical location of the electronic communications network capacity.
"The system now makes data about electronic communication infrastructure transparent to all stakeholders within the telco market in Serbia and to potential investors in the telco sector."
Aleksandar Ćilerdžić
Product/Solutions Manager, GDi
A system was needed that would enable entry, update, review, and processing of all data about type, availability and geographical location of the electronic communications network capacity.
"The system now makes data about electronic communication infrastructure transparent to all stakeholders within the telco market in Serbia and to potential investors in the telco sector."
Aleksandar Ćilerdžić
Product/Solutions Manager, GDi
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Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services for Republic of Serbia.
individual network infrastructure elements in database.40
different company operators accessing and relying on latest system.7 Million
citizens benefitting from infrastructure use optimization, and faster access to new services.Ključne teme za poslovni sektor
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