Success stories

Success stories

Success stories

Zagotovljena vrednost

Podjetje GDi, ki posluje vse od leta 1989, je postalo priznano vodilno srednjeevropsko tehnološko podjetje, konkurenčno v globalnem merilu, ki razvija in uvaja sodobne pametne digitalne rešitve v različnih sektorjih. Za nami je na stotine uspešnih projektov in z veseljem bomo številne od teh zgodb začeli deliti z vami.


Hrvaška pošta je povečala učinkovitost in izkoriščenost vozil ter zmanjšala skupne stroške goriva in vzdrževanja.
transport and logistics
Hrvaška pošta je povečala učinkovitost in izkoriščenost vozil ter zmanjšala skupne stroške goriva in vzdrževanja.
GDi Ensemble Fleet and the ArcGIS platform have helped us streamline our postal service delivery and lets us see the big picture of our daily operations ...
Utilities cadastre transformed by implementation of latest digital technologies and modern businesses processes
public sector
Utilities cadastre transformed by implementation of latest digital technologies and modern businesses processes
We are now helping to maintain and upgrade the system in accordance with user requirements, legislative changes, and from monitoring of daily operational needs. We are also improving the performance ...
3D digital model now a vital tool for decision makers in the city of Zagreb
public sector
3D digital model now a vital tool for decision makers in the city of Zagreb
ArcGIS is becoming the basis for providing better information for managing data on the city of Zagreb's land and population, making better decisions and reacting faster to challenges ahead ...
Digitalizacija načrtovanja in upravljanja infrastrukture za oskrbo z vodo in kanalizacijo prinaša konkretne koristi
energy and utilities
Digitalizacija načrtovanja in upravljanja infrastrukture za oskrbo z vodo in kanalizacijo prinaša konkretne koristi
The new integrated system allows us to easily and quickly monitor the current situation and display data on the efficiency of water supply and sewerage systems. It furthermore allows us ...
Hrvaška pošta je povečala učinkovitost in izkoriščenost vozil ter zmanjšala skupne stroške goriva in vzdrževanja.
transport and logistics
GDi Ensemble Fleet and the ArcGIS platform have helped us streamline our ...
Business process digitalization streamlines fixed services provisioning and fulfilment for A1
Implementation of GDi Ensemble W4 Scheduler has helped us digitalize a set ...
Utilities cadastre transformed by implementation of latest digital technologies and modern businesses processes
public sector
We are now helping to maintain and upgrade the system in accordance ...
3D digital model now a vital tool for decision makers in the city of Zagreb
public sector
ArcGIS is becoming the basis for providing better information for managing data ...
Digitalizacija načrtovanja in upravljanja infrastrukture za oskrbo z vodo in kanalizacijo prinaša konkretne koristi
energy and utilities
The new integrated system allows us to easily and quickly monitor the ...
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