Two days of great atmosphere and lots of interested students!

Zagreb, Wednesday 17th to Thursday 18th May 2017

GDi was proud to be one of the participating companies at this year’s Job Fair, held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. It was the largest so far, with 93 employers and companies from 14 different branches of ICT and the electrical engineering industry.

The aim of Job Fair is to connect students with the business world by enabling participating companies to provide students with insights into job opportunities and their methods and practices. Students also get the opportunity to become acquainted with the range of skills and technologies that are needed in the business world.

As an added attraction and interest for the students, we offered a ride in a Tesla Model S. The students, for their part, had to solve at least one problem in our GDi Challenge competition to qualify for a ride.

In addition, students who visited our booth were offered topic suggestions for their graduate thesis. These were based on solutions for real world problems applicable to multiple industries and based on our own ‘Ensemble for Workforce Management’ and ‘Ensemble for Fleet and Logistics’ applications.

It was great to see that during both days our booth proved very popular and our team was kept constantly busy with a continuous stream of eager visitors. Apart from taking part in the GDi Challenge and riding in a Tesla model S, students were genuinely interested in our job opportunities and our team took great pleasure in answering a wide variety of questions, with the main focus on what we do and how we leverage the latest technologies.

Many thanks to all those that visited the GDi booth. Congratulations to those that provided many correct answers to the GDi Challenge questions – your efforts were appreciated and noticed. We look forward to hearing from you again – we are always interested in meeting talented young people who are looking for a rewarding and exciting career in software development.

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GDi delavnica za ArcGIS Urban
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GDi delavnica za ArcGIS Urban
V GDi Ljubljana smo imeli privilegij pozdraviti gospoda Brooksa Patricka, Vodja globalnega poslovnega razvoja za pametna mesta pri Esri Inc ...
Digitalizirajte svoje delo na terenu z GDi Ensemble in pohitrite ter optimizirajte svoje procese vzdrževanja omrežja. Pregled, vnos in upravljanje ...
GIS vtičniki
Pohitrite in optimizirajte svoje procese ter odpravite napake, ki nastajajo pri ročnem vnosu, poizvebah ali prenosu podatkov. V GDi smo ...
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“Eden boljših dogodkov,” je bilo slišati po hodnikih Grand Plaza Hotela, kjer se je prejšnji četrtek odvil GDi Solutions Day ...
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V Portorožu se je odvijal že 16. Pies posvet, tokrat o oblačnih storitvah v kritični infrastrukturi ...
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The project pioneers nature-based solutions for effective climate adaptation in eight European regions ...
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Aligned with the EU Green Deal, OLGA has pioneered innovative solutions to promote biodiversity, air quality, circularity, and sustainable aviation ...
Podjetje GDi Solutions Beograd je sodelovalo v pilotnem projektu "Urbani sadovnjaki"
GDi application, based on the traffic accidents database of the Serbian Ministry of Interior and the geographic information system (GIS), ...