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GDi CEO participates in EU funds conference

We are please to announce that Mr Boran Lončarić, founder and chairman of GDi Group, participated as a panellist at the Conference "EU funds: latest news and announcements for small and medium size enterprises". The event, which was jointly organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Bank Association, was held today (Tuesday, 12th June 2018) at the offices of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

2019-05-02T10:52:56+02:00June 4th, 2018|Ensemble, News|

GDi at Mobile World Congress 2018

We were pleased to attend the event where our experts gained deeper insights into technology trends, industry transformation and other hot topics. Also the event was an excellent opportunity to meet with some of our partners, discuss business opportunities and emerge new solution ideas.

2019-05-02T10:57:31+02:00February 20th, 2018|GDi products, News, telecom and media|


With a focus on presenting our GDi Ensemble solutions for Asset Management and Telecom OSS, our GDi team took part in the annual GIS conference gisworx held in Dubai. The event provided an ideal opportunity to network with potential users and other technology experts in the region.

2019-05-02T10:48:08+02:00December 12th, 2017|GDi products, News, Technologies|
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