When you are out and about, GDi auto nadzor PLUS mobile application gives you the ability to determine the location of your vehicles.
Using both street and satellite basemaps, the application gives you the ability to visualise both the real-time and historical location of your vehicles.
The vehicle monitoring feature allows you to monitor any vehicle, access its details and to set up an alert if, for example, a vehicle enters or exits a pre-defined geo-zone, drives faster than allowed, or drives beyond permitted working hours.
Designed for existing users of GDi auto nadzor PLUS solution.
Selectable basemaps include: OpenStreetMap, National Geographic, satellite imagery, dark / light canvas.
Easily view vehicle location, vehicle details.
Set and monitor alerts.

GDi delavnica za ArcGIS Urban
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GIS vtičniki
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Solutions Day 2024
“Eden boljših dogodkov,” je bilo slišati po hodnikih Grand Plaza Hotela, kjer se je prejšnji četrtek odvil GDi Solutions Day ...

Elektro infrastruktura – rešitve naslednje generacije
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Digitalna orodja za prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam: GDi prispeva s projektom ARCADIA
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Druga obletnica projekta OLGA – Spodbujanje zelenega letalstva in trajnostne povezljivosti
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