Inovativna rešitev GDi kot gonilo preobrazbe hrvaškega širokopasovnega omrežja
GDi has developed the solution for the primary provider of national strategic communications services, and leader in the broadband transformation in rural areas.
GDi has developed the solution for the primary provider of national strategic communications services, and leader in the broadband transformation in rural areas.
GDi application, based on the traffic accidents database of the Serbian Ministry of Interior and the geographic information system (GIS), determines which locations should the traffic police monitor more closely.
Kot vsako leto, smo tudi tokrat v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Ljubljani razpisali natečaj za najboljše Esri zaključno delo.
V GDi Ljubljana že vrsto let uspešno sodelujemo z Univerzo v Ljubljani, kjer študentom in njihovim mentorjem omogočamo uporabo najboljših ESRI orodij in rešitev. Poleg tega pa študente in njihove mentorje spodbujamo, da se s pridobljenim znanjem prijavijo na natečaj za najboljše ESRI zaključno delo, ki ga izvajamo že skoraj 20 let.
GDi partners with Luxembourg School of Business as part of the weekend MBA program, where MBA students use GDi as a case and prepare a strategy for the global growth of the company.