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GDi at the EWoB Business Hackathon

Last week, GDi was proud to be one of the participating companies at this year's 'EWoB Business Hackathon', the largest competition in the University of Osijek, held at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek and organized by the students' association 'EWoB – Entrepreneurs Without Borders'.

2019-05-02T14:07:17+02:00May 26th, 2017|Careers, News, social|

GDi at JobFair 2017

GDi was proud to be one of the participating companies at this year's Job Fair, held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. It was the largest so far, with 93 employers and companies from 14 different branches of ICT and the electrical engineering industry.

2019-05-02T14:08:51+02:00May 19th, 2017|Careers, GDi Challenge, GDi products, News, Technologies|

Students meet GDi

On 27th of April members of the GDi team were in Osijek, for the 'Open days of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology'. We presented an overview of our company and gave the students information about the various types of job opportunities that exist within GDi.

2018-04-28T11:42:00+02:00May 8th, 2017|Careers, GDi products, News, Technologies|

Ministry of Data Challenge

GDi was proud to be the main sponsor of the "Ministry of Data“ Challenge which was the second edition of the open data app challenge series held in the region of the Western Balkans.

2019-05-02T14:10:46+02:00February 23rd, 2017|News, social|

New Information System for Primorsko-goranska county

On 8th of February the project of connecting local governments to the Physical Planning Information System of Primorsko-goranska county was presented at the Institute for Physical Planning of Primorsko-goranska county. By connecting to this system the quality of related planning work increases, business processes speed up and management costs significantly reduce.

2019-05-02T14:18:41+02:00February 14th, 2017|GDi products, News, Smart Communities|
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