Sounds of Ljubljana
Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016
We are glad to share with you a success story from our GDi marketing event which took place in front of Ljubljana Town Hall, Slovenia on April 4, 2016. In cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health (Slovenian abbreviation is NIJZ) we conducted an event and workshop called “Sounds of Ljubljana”, an activity under the slogan “Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016”.
To get a deeper understanding in the quality of the sound environment (and determining noise pollution patterns), GDi developed a simple, yet powerful screen-guided smartphone app. The app gives each citizen an opportunity to contribute and share their experience of noise pollution in the Municipality of Ljubljana. With the app citizens of Ljubljana are able to simply:
- Record the ambient sound level
- Add their location (automatically via GPS / WiFi / mobile network)
- Complete a short survey
Each submitted result is presented as a dot on a map and available to NIJZ for further analysis in order to get better insights into noise pollution.
Sounds of Ljubljana – Powered by GDi

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